To move your business forward successfully, you need direction. Alongside this, your team need to be onboard and pulling in that direction with you. Therefore building, communicating, and mobilising a strategy for your supply chain is an essential tool in driving your business forwards.
The best strategies are built from a leaders vision and agreed principles, but with input and engagement from your wider business. This involvement ensures collective buy-in which in turn leads to a greater alignment to drive towards that vision.
Once it is in place, next it is vital to build a road map from today to your strategic goals, this breaks the strategy down into deliverable portions and makes the realisation feel more attainable.
With your road map in place it then comes down to building a program of developments with the right resources, and the right organisation to ensure its delivery.
Finally, all good strategic roadmaps have regular reviews to ensure it remains on course in our ever changing world, and is regularly communicated and discussed with the wider business to keep people engaged, motivated, and excited about the future, but also to give people the chance to question, or call out areas that are not working, or are becoming mis-aligned.
I have extensive experience of building, selling, formalising, and delivering significant strategic plans over multiple years, with a number of different business across many geographies.
Allow me to guide you through yours.
“Dan is a joy to work with - from re-casting approaches through strategy definition through to execution, Dan is people, and outcome oriented, a great sparring partner, and always knows how to win the hearts and minds of people!”
Martin Frech, Chief Strategy Officer, DKSH